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Today's Deals
Selling Wireless Gaming Gear Brand - Based on independent sales data (FEB '19 - FEB'20) of Wireless Gaming Keyboard, Mice, and PC Headset in units from: US, CA, CN, JP, KR, TW, TH, IN, DE, FR, RU, UK, SE, TR
YMMV - Going fast - Free Shipping or Store Pickup. Maybe price match with Best Buy, Target, Staples, etc.
Use code LOGITECHFIVE at checkout for the extra $5 off!
Woot [woot.com] has Select Logitech Peripherals, Accessories and More on sale as listed below + $5 off when you apply promo code LOGITECHFIVE at checkout. Shipping is free for Amazon Prime Members (must login with your Amazon account and select a shipping address in order for Woot to apply free shipping) or is otherwise $6 per order.
Costco Wholesale
Cheapest price ever for a G Pro X Superlight 2!
Usually $30 according to tres camels, but currently 50% off btwn now and cyber monday!